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Tax Info & Future Donations

IMPORTANT POST about our contribution documentation process, what to expect for your 2018 tax filing, and how to make future contributions.

A Mother's Rest Charitable Respite Foundation, and the Terrace Guest House & Respite Inn, as a division of, is a certified Federal 501c3 charity, EIN 81-4965846. We are a registered charity in the states of Virginia and Maryland. Virginia SCC ID: 08172710 Maryland FC ID: 0003682488

1) In accordance with US Tax Law, all tax receipts will be completed no later than January 31. Statements, contributions, and expenses are still being reconciled. You can request a copy of your giving statement at that time.

2) As a small non profit, A Mother's Rest will NOT be snail mailing or even mass-emailing donation receipts.

3) If you would like a copy of your year-to-date giving, please email with the subject line "Tax Receipt Inquiry". We will send you an official receipt via email *by request only* this year. Hopefully next year we will have a full book keeping staff to handle all of these needs.

4) Should you have any questions or identify any discrepancies, please contact us for explanation and correction, if necessary.

5) Any straight donations that were made via check, Paypal, or Square will be documented in our donor management software.

6) If you purchased an item from our Amazon Gift Registry for the inn, KEEP YOUR AMAZON RECEIPT. That counts as a cash donation for your taxes because the item shipped directly to A Mother's Rest. The receipt will not come from AMR, but it counts as a cash donation TO AMR.

7) If you donated USED items, those count as an "in-kind" donation, and would be claimed similar to giving clothes to Goodwill, women's shelters, etc.

8) Those who have contributed significant time/volunteered at the inn in Maryland can document your mileage.

9) If you donated to one of our FACEBOOK FUNDRAISERS, there is a link in your own settings that documents how much you gave. THAT is your receipt as a cash donation.

10) If you are an innkeeper who discounted your rooms to host one or more retreats for our guests, the difference in your retail pricing and what you received from us in payment is your tax deductible amount. You can choose to claim it as a charitable contribution, or as an advertising expense. Please contact your tax attorney for the best guidance for your particular state and situation. If you have a form you need me to sign verifying "receipt" of the rooms, please email to me at with instructions.

11) Now that we have a physical address of our own, our PO Box has been CLOSED. This saves us over $100 a year. Please send any future mail or check donations to the inn office at :

32 West Main Street New Market, Maryland 21774

We are immensely grateful for every cent you have shared in 2018. What an incredible year of growth and change for us, in such a short period of time! We have accomplished so much together, and put in place the corner stones for respite inns in every state. I invite you to read some of the reviews from our guests, so you can hear in their own words how much these retreats have meant for them!

Here's to a healthy, restful, hopeful, amazing 2019!


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​​Donation Mailing Address:

PO Box 674 
White Rock, SC 29177




Know a family who'd love to attend but needs some financial help? 

You can contribute to their cabin costs (full or partial). ​

 Your donation is tax deductible! ​

Contact us for assistance with this.

501c3 ID: 81-4965846

Georgia CN ID: 20180835

Maryland FC ID: 0003682488

Virginia SCC ID: 08172710

South Carolina CID: C84309855

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