The Gift of Rest
A Mother's Rest exists to improve the health of full-time family caregivers through frequent, affordable rest and therapeutic fellowship opportunities. AMR has built a network of non-profit, respite retreat inns and B&B "Porch Partners" to serve special needs parents, adoptive parents, & other caregivers of loved ones with extra needs. There are many ways to help, to fit every budget!
In combination with inn partner discounts, corporate sponsorship, small business donations, church & civic group support, we aim to keep the costs to parents as low as possible. All donations to A Mother's Rest are tax deductible. It doesn't get any easier to make respite accessible and affordable to all extra needs caregivers.

• Gift Certificates for caregivers you know
• YES! Fund donations add to a pool of grant funding available to those in need
• In Honor/Memory Of, etc
Set up monthly support for our:
• MD Respite Inn
• GA Respite Inn
• AMR General Fund.
Contribute larger amounts to make our special events such as:
• Mommy & Me
• Couples
• Family Glamp
• and others possible for our caregiving families.
Any currently running fundraisers, such as:
• Shirts
• Welcome Walk Bricks
• and others, will be listed here.
Contribute larger amounts towards the purchase and prep of our next respite inn in South Carolina.
• Give anonymously or
• with public acknowledgement to your family foundation, church, business, or civic group.
Name A Mother's Rest as a beneficiary to your estate and/or insurance policy.